26 december 2011

"Life Vest Inside" is niet commerciële NGO die met de kortfilm "Kindness Boomerang" mensen hoopt te bewegen tot vriendelijk- en goedheid. Net zoals de man in het filmpje een goede daad verricht die zich doorheen heel wat mensen doorzet en uiteindelijk opnieuw bij hem terugkomt. (via shorts for a smile)

Kindness is a universal language that has tremendous uplifting power. Life Vest Inside is based on the philosophy that increasing kindness in society will lead to more connectedness and a better, happier world. In the stormy seas of life, we all could use a little support, perhaps a "life vest," to keep us afloat. That life vest is kindness. 
LVI works to cultivate the awareness that individuals can effect real and positive change in the people around them, simply by 'living kindness:' by embodying empathy and compassion in our day-to-day lives. LVI seeks to spread kindness and goodwill through the sharing of Acts of Kindness Cards, connecting our users to various inspirational media through film and the internet. And further through the implementation of our Social Emotional Learning Program, empowering todays youth to become the leaders of tomorrow.

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