06 december 2012

M83 - Wait

Na "Midnight City" en "Reunion" brengt, de Franse groep, M83 "Wait" uit. Het derde en laatste deel uit een reeks die ze in samenwerking met de regisseurs "Fleur & Manu" hebben gemaakt. Die zich voor het album "Hurry Up We're Dreaming" lieten inspireren door films als "Village of the Damned" en "Close encounters of the Third kind".

“I love composing music and making music with pictures in my head, it’s really what’s driving me. Cinema is the biggest influence for me – even bigger than music itself, so this album is built as a soundtrack, as an imaginary film. This is what we tried to convey with this trilogy. When I first talked with Fleur and Manu about this video project it was pretty obvious we wanted the same results. I think they were the perfect directors to achieve this…” -Bron-

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