27 augustus 2012

1933 jaar na de vesuvius uitbarsting

Ter herdenking van de vulkaanuitbarsting die op 24 augustus 79 de Romeinse steden Pompeii en Herculaneum deed verdwijnen maakte het Denver Museum of Nature & Science de website "A day in Pompeii : the last xxiv hours". Waarbij je via streetview de site kan bezoeken, maar ook de gebeurtenissen van toen stelselmatig kan volgen. Dankzij Twitter updates die in chronologische volgorde het ooggetuigen verslag van Plinius de Oudere weergeven. Net als het filmpje hierboven de laatste uren tracht te reconstrueren. (via nerdcore met wikipedia)
Destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on August 24, AD 79, Pompeii vanished beneath thick layers of volcanic ash. The city remained virtually untouched for nearly 1,700 years, preserved as if sealed in a time capsule. Pompeii's unearthing –structure by structure, street by street, block by block--revealed one of the greatest archaeological sites ever excavated. 
Explore the ruins of this once prosperous city in the interactive map. You’ll uncover frescos, marble sculptures, pottery, and other priceless artifacts from the exhibit in the environment where they once lived. Along the way, you'll encounter some of the volcano’s victims eerily preserved in their final moments. 
Twitter updates based on the only eyewitness account of the disaster allow you to relive the eruption, hour-by-hour. Follow the courageous journey of Pliny the Elder, as recorded by his nephew in AD 79. His story remains as one of the most historically significant chronicles of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

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